Some of the services provided for our clients in the bar and restaurant industry...
Selling Restaurants - The Restaurant Brokers have brokered thousands of transactions involving the sale of restaurants, bars, nightclubs and associated food and beverage related businesses. It’s what we do… it’s ALL we do… we are specialists! With a database of clients, associates and industry contacts over 10,000 strong and having over 40 years of restaurant operating experience in-house, we provide an unparalleled level of expertise and support in restaurant acquisitions and business startup..
Buyer Broker - if you are considering a business opportunity and need representation (always a good idea) along with documents drafted, contracts prepared for execution or any of the many services required to ensure a successful transaction, we can fulfill your needs.
Liquor License Sales and/or Acquisitions - if you are looking to purchase or sell a Series 6 (bar) or Series 7 (beer & wine) liquor license, we have handled numerous transactions and would be happy to assist with your licensing needs.
Landlord Services – need a tenant for a vacant restaurant or bar space? It’s what we do… restaurants are a specialized use; don’t expect a typical commercial real estate agent to provide you with qualified restaurant tenants. You need a specialist!
Tenant Representation – looking to expand? We can work with you to develop criteria for site selection, search the available locations to find one that suits your needs and draft a Letter of Intent for submittal to the landlord once an acceptable location meets with your approval.
Business Valuation - The Restaurant Brokers can prepare a comprehensive Opinion of Value Report utilizing over 40 years of market specific knowledge and experience. This is an invaluable tool for estate planning, resolving partnership disputes, seeking additional financing, settling divorces and many other extremely important financial matters.
Lease Negotiations – coming to the end of your lease term? Many successful restaurateurs find themselves in difficult situations as their lease moves toward expiration. Let us help you make an informed decision based on market conditions, current lease rates and potentially viable alternatives.